Art Imitates Life

Postet av Amin Cadie den 6. Nov 2015

It's a nice sunny autumn morning in Trondheim, so I decided to start the day by writing about where our work comes from. It is said that art imitates life and experiences.

Our work involves creating art for a persons image (for example); so there seems to be one formula behind an individual's creativity which emerges from their history, current mood, taste in artwork, music, and what is observed in general life. That's also why you will only connect with certain songs, pictures, scenery, artists and experiences. This explains why image and music work very well together as an example. Films use music to set the mood and interpret feelings.

Also the smallest intricate detail - not only the perfections, but also adorably charming imperfections can shape an image strongly. Personally, for me, I can appreciate what someone else would call a "flaw" on themselves. It gives them individuality.

I'm going to draw this short article to a close by sharing some of the work from one of my favourite artists and illustrators: Janusz Jurek from Poland who had an exhibition in London earlier this year.. I was amazed! These pictures are from the collection "Hairline".

On a final note, enjoy your weekend, and take a look around.. You'll be surprised by how much there is around you that you'll come to appreciate and draw inspiration from!!

Kind Regards, Amin Cadie (Art Director. Adam og Eva - Verftet/Trondheim)


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